Sunday, December 16, 2012

Spellbinders Contest!!!

Just in case you missed Spellbinders BIG contest announcement, I have the detail below!

This is an awesome opportunity for all you creative people out there!  I've been told that some of the categories have only a few entries.  Your chances to get into the finals are pretty good in those categories.  Why not try it?  Try something out of your comfort zone.......something unique, out of the box!!!  I'd love for one of my blog friends to win!!!

Here's the details:

Spellbinders is currently running the BIGGEST contest they've ever hosted to date! Spellbinders Explore Beyond Challenge: Craft to Win gives you a chance at a $5,000 Grand Prize Package from Spellbinders and their cross promotional partners! They'll also be choosing a 2nd place winner to receive a $1,000 prize package and a $500 3rd place prize package!

How do you participate? It's easy!

Simply create an original project using at least two (2) Spellbinders dies. And get creative with it! Push your own creative something different. We'll be looking for those crafters and artists who have really taken on the challenge to truly "Explore Beyond".

Take photos of each step of your project. If chosen as a finalist... You'll be asked to submit these photos.

Submit a photo (of your finished project only!) to the appropriate Spellbinders Flickr Group.

Contest runs from November 26th, 2012 through December 26th, 2012 Midnight EST.


Official Rules:

You may enter more than once in multiple categories. Projects entered must be original. A total of twelve (12) finalists will be chosen. There will be two (2) finalists from each category. Finalists will be announced on December 27, 2012. Finalists will be asked to submit photos of the steps of their projects to validate their originality. Finalists will be asked to mail in their final original project to the Spellbinders office. Original projects must be received by end of day, Friday, January 4, 2013.

A celebrity panel of judges will review the twelve (12) final submissions and narrow it down to three (3) winners. Winners will be announced on Friday, January 11, 2013. There will be one (1) Grand Prize winner of a $5,000 prize package and the project will be featured at the Spellbinders booth at the Craft and Hobby Association show on January 12, 2013. There will be one (1) 2nd prize winner of a $1,000 prize package and featured on the Spellbinders blog. There will be one (1) 3rd prize winner of a $500 prize package and featured on the Spellbinders blog.


All federal, state and local taxes are the sole responsibility of the winners. By acceptance of the prize, winners agree without limitation to the use of his/her name, photograph and/or likeness for publicity purposes without any additional compensation. Winners agree to be bound by these rules and the decisions of the Spellbinders panel, which are final and binding in all matters regarding this event. Winners agree that the event and its representatives affiliates, agents, directors, officers and employees have no liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses or damages of any kind relating to or arising from this event or resulting from participation in this contest.Contest is not open to Spellbinders Employees, Various Team Members, or their immediate family members (Grandparents, Parents, Siblings, Spouses, Children).

 Good luck!!!

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