Thursday, December 20, 2012

Send Some Love to Newtown CT

Hello blog friends!!!

I have an Newtown, Connecticut address where anyone can send cards or notes of condolence, words of comfort and kindness for anyone affected by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School last week. I think we've all been touched by it in some way. I know how much many of you like to make and send cards. Here's an opportunity to reach out with a handmade card or note.

The Post Office has set up a PO Box for all such correspondence.

Here's the address:

Messages of Condolences for Newtown
PO Box 3700
Newtown CT 06470

Mail will be distributed according to how it's addressed. If you add a person's name with the above address, mail will be directed to them. If not, volunteers will direct the mail as needed.

I hope some of you find time to reach out to all these families in pain and sorrow. A note of caring even from a stranger can be so comforting.

Thanks and hugs to all of you!


  1. This is a good! let them know that people care about them....and hopefully bring some warmth and comfort to them....thank you so much for sharing this...I would like to put this on my facebook page if that is ok with you....again thank you...

  2. I've also copy and paste your post on my blog....I did link it together....I hope that's ok....thank you again for doing this...

  3. Thank you very much for posting this,what a terrible time for all the people.I will send a card


Your comment is inspiring to me! Thank you!