Monday, January 10, 2011

A Snowy Layout

This layout features a photo that I took last January when the sun came out after a raging snowstorm!  We had so much snow then!  It could easily be a photo from this January!  We have a lot of snow again!

For the 12 x 12" background I laid die cut snowflakes on the paper and sprayed Glimmer Mist over the top.  You can see the faint shape near the journaling tab.  All the "glimmer" gave my camera a hard time for photographing! 

The snowflakes are covered with crystal glitter.  So pretty in reality! They don't show well either.

I hid my journaling behind the photo.  The photo is fastened to the page so that there's a pocket for the journal card to slide into, leaving just the tab showing.  A little tug on the tab and a journaling card slides out.

I thought this an appropriate post considering we're getting more snow here tonight, with more predicted for the next 2-3 days.  If we get winds, I'll be snowed in or out depending on when they hit.  The cuts between the snow banks are getting very deep.   We've already spent 2 nights at my parents home because our road was drifted shut.  We've been snowed in several weekends, too.  We didn't mind that! 

Check out these Designer's blogs for the Spellbinders "To Die For!!" Winter Release Blog Frenzy which started today:

Be sure to enter the contest to win each day's new Spellbinders die templates!


  1. OOOO, lovin' this layout - the picture is amazing! But makes me shiver! LOL! Great accents on the snowflakes ;)

  2. Very nice layout, love the picture, colors and snowflakes! Very cool, and nice, hiding the journaling behind the pic the way you did.

  3. This is a beautiful card!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. This is a beautiful card! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Your tutorial was so simple and easy to follow. Thanks.


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