Saturday, February 6, 2021

It's been a long time...

 WOW!  It's been a long time since I wrote a post!  It seems other things have taken priority.

2020 was quite a year!  Once the pandemic settled in, I didn't go out much.  I missed occasional shopping for fun trips to Hobby Lobby or Thrift stores.  I did eventually venture out well masked.

I spent many hours making masks for family and others. My cousin and I sewed masks for our local grade school.  The best part is that it got me back to sewing! 


Although the pandemic has been hard in many ways, it has created many opportunities for creative learning.  I've take many free classes.  I also signed up for some paid classes. It's been great! I never would have been able to take many of these classes if I had to travel to them, plus the cost of that travel. Instead, I could sit in my craft space for each class!  Many artists offered FB live demos.  I loved all the Saturdays with Tim Holtz!  

I especially enjoyed classes by Seth Apter.  I took Mini Book Madness in May 2020.  I loved the class!  I love making books!  I made a 2.5 inch square book. 

I have a video on my Facebook Page - Judy Hayes. I hope this link works:

(19) Facebook

I also took Seth's class One Layer Away. It was a bit more challenging for me to let go and make lots of layers.  I managed to do one background.  

Just last month I took Seth's class - Beyond the Background.  I started with a background that I had quickly painted before class!  Nothing like last minute pressure to get things done!

Actually I had backgrounds from first class ready to use but decided at last minute to do something new. I must say I "let go" of thinking and just created.  

This photo shows a moment in the layering process. The circles are still in my finished image, yet they don't look the same.  Under the word Unsettled is actually the word Energy.  I didn't like it so I stamped and painted over it.

If I thought about it, I wouldn't have chose the word "Unsettled". Seth told the class to stop thinking and just create! That's the word my hand went to when I was looking at stencils! My mind wanted to choose something else. It's been fun to do some painting.  It's different from many things I usually do!  Sometimes I look at this and find it hard to believe I made it.  Haha! 

Well, it's been fun to ramble a bit here.  I wonder if I even have any followers anymore!? 

Happy creating!

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