Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Book Created for Spellbinders CHA Class

Good Morning Blog Friends!

Today is my first day on Spellbinders new Mixed Media and Jewelry Design Team!!!  I'm really excited about this new venture.

At the same time, I'm a bit sad that my three plus years on the Spellbinders Design Team has ended. Yesterday was my last official day on that team. 

I'm looking forward to new challenges!  Mixed Media is a perfect fit for me!!! 

Here's a fun mixed media book that I created for one of Spellbinders' classes taught at CHA last week.  It was fun to be at the class and see the attendees put together their own version of this book! It was a lot to do but I think they all enjoyed the class!

The journal is covered with black fabric with faux stitches made with a Elmer's Painters white marker.  Brightly colored flowers, butterfly, birds and a birdhouse are glued to the cover.  The birds and butterfly are Spellbinders blanks from the Media Mixage line.  I've painted them white before adding StazOn ink for color.  The flowers are all cut from Roc-lon fabric.  It takes color so well and does not fray!  To cut the fabric, I've used a new metal shim from Spellbinders that makes cutting most fabrics easy!  All the flowers were colored with StazOn inks sponged onto the fabric.  The bird  house is one of the new hatpins revealed at CHA.  It makes a cute birdhouse with an aluminum roof, don't you think?!?
Along with the book is a jewelry piece pinned onto the book ties.  The bird and house are blanks.  The flower is cut from fabric.  The art words are from Cosmo Cricket "Life" Tiny Text sheet.

  This was such a fun project to put together! 

Happy creating!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun project Judy. And using the Elmer's marker to create the stitches is such a cool idea!


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