Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Road Trip Finds

Today, I took a little road trip with a special friend! Yep, I took the afternoon off! We had a great time talking, laughing and checking out antique shops.
Thanks, Jackie, for such an enjoyable afternoon!
We both like collecting bits and pieces of ephemera to use in our creative projects.
Here's a few of my finds....

.....a box of brass rivets (connections for a mini book!), a receipt clip (not sure what I'll do with that!), a small frog (to hold projects/cards for display), a faucet handle (mixed media book!), some tiny photos (bezel fillers), a stick pin and old ink pad ( just because I like them!).

and this little tin. It's just 3" diameter. I love the vintage and worn with that tiny decal! All treasures for sure!
My best find is this old slide case...

Those little drawers are so cool! They're about 4 x 2 x 9". I'll find something to put in them! Even empty it looks good in my craft room!
Thanks for visiting!!!
Happy Creating!


  1. How cool and how fun! I'm loving that slide case :) glad you had a fun day <3

  2. Looks like you are going to have some fun with those treasures.

  3. Wow Judy!! What a fron trip! Thanks for sharing your finds!


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