Thursday, September 27, 2012

So busy!

Just a quick post to say I'm doing okay but I'm very busy!!!!

I'm working in a different home town post office....for a short while.  I'm really enjoying the challenge of managing a bigger office!  But.......I'm putting in very long days.  I'm exhausted when I get home.  So, I don't find much time to create anything.  It's a struggle to even get my Spellbinders projects done.

Thanks for being such loyal followers!  I hope to get back to my normal work schedule soon. 

My excitement for today is DH and I are flying to Las Vegas later today.  Our daughter Sarah will compete there in the Ms. Olympia body building competition on Friday.  Only the best in the world get a chance to compete for this title!  An amazing accomplishment!  I promise to post the results when I can! 

Happy day!


  1. Las Vegas?! I was so close to going this weekend!! LOL!! My hubby just left to go to LV for a conference.

    Good luck to your super star daughter!!

  2. Yeah! Good luck to your daughter! Enjoy some rest and relaxation too. hugs


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