Monday, June 18, 2012

A Jewel Nugget Necklace

...... to share today!

Can you believe this is shrink plastic?  Well, it is! 

I didn't expect this outcome when I painted the shrink plastic Jewel Stone with Tattered Angels Saffron Glaze and Caspian Sea Glam.  When it shrunk, the Glaze and Glam all crumpled up and gave this great texture!  And it stuck on the shrink plastic!  I added a Jewel letter also cut from shrink plastic.  It's painted just with Glaze and touched up after painting with more Glaze and copper Pearl Ex.   I adde Ice Resin over it to seal it. 

A fun little project!!
Spellbinders S5-098 Jewel Stones
Spellbinders LF-014 Jewel Alphabet
Shrink Plastic - black, white
Tattereed Angels Glimmer Glaze - Saffron
Tattered Angels Glam Glitter Paint - Caspiean Sea
Ice Resin
Bead Chain & Jump Ring

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