Monday, March 14, 2011

Spellbinders on HSN


I just wanted you all to know that this morning at 7:00 and 11:00 EST, Stacey Caron from Spellbinders will be on HSN!  Check today's post on the Spellbinders blog for more details.  She'll be showing some of the DT projects!  I'm hoping to catch some of the 7:00 show before I head to work.

If you love Spellbinders like I do, you might enjoy some new videos on YouTube.  Click here to go to YouTube and the Spellbinders videos. If you click on "See All" on the right side by the videos, you'll be able to choose from all the videos.   Check out the "Coordinating Stamps" video!!!  That's my card that Stacey is holding!  It's still amazing to me to see my projects online!!! So awesome to see my card on that video!

Be back soon!

Happy Creating! -judy

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