Sunday, January 30, 2011

Like a Singing Bird

'morning, everyone!
I'm in LA for CHA! So wonderful to get away from the cold of Minnesota and all the snow!
Yesterday was the first day of the show! The highlight for me was seeing my artwork in the Spellbinders booth! The booth is beautiful! Fabulous artwork!
I can't share any photos as yet. Maybe by the end of the show..... I can share photos of my project for the book Spellbinders Nestabiliies Basics & Beyond when I figure out how to load them on my iPad! Or I'll go to the business center here at the hotel....that will probably be much quicker.

For now, I have a "mini art piece" created with the new Artistic Outpost Songbirds set.

Happy Creating! -judy

1 comment:

  1. Judy! This is beautiful!!!

    Hope you are enjoying the show - can't wait to see pictures when you can share :)


Your comment is inspiring to me! Thank you!