Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I hope you're snug and warm wherever you are! 
Snowy road!
This is my world this New Year's Day! Snow everywhere!  Believe it or not, we had about 1/2" of rain on Thursday!  The temp was around 35.  It was so odd having rain pouring down.  The temps dropped by mid afternoon turning all that rain and melting snow into ice.  The only good thing is that the snow is sealed now so it won't blow around.  That is until we get new snow......about 2" yesterday morning.  Big fluffy snow flakes!  Then ice pellets! No wind as it fell but it's predicted for today. What a winter!
Sheets of snow and ice hang from a shed roof.
The combination of the rain and sudden falling temps must have created these snow sheets hanging off an old shed.  They looked incredibly delicate, airy almost.  Incredible that they stay there as if waving in the breeze!  
I'm spending my New Year' Day working on Spellbinders projects, getting ready for the big Spellbinders "To Die For" Winter Release! Be sure to mark your calendar for January 10th. That's the 1st day of the Blog Frenzy.  My day is January 11th.   I'll be posting 2 projects using one of the new winter release die templates!  Be sure to stop by then!  Lots of inspiration and NEW Spellbinders die templates!!!

New year's resolution:  spend more time playing and creating! 

Blessings to you in the New Year!


  1. Happy New Year, Judy!!
    I look forward to seeing & working with you in 2011! xo

  2. Happy New Yer to your too. Have fun creating.

  3. Looks like an Iowa road just out front of our farm..The rain took quite a bit away, but the winds are terrible.
    Best Wishes for a great New Year


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