Wednesday, August 25, 2010


A glorious "Good Morning" to you!

I captured this awesome sunrise one morning last week.
The photo is framed by the edge of our barn and a tree looking towards the northeast just before the sun came up on the horizon.

I shot this a few minutes later as the sun emerged.  The color was incredible.  I cropped this photo to remove some of the ground otherwise it's unedited.

I took this photo just 2 days ago.  Another awesome red sky!

Have an awesome day! 


  1. Hey there!

    A good Wednesday morning to you :0)
    Hope you are doing well.

    I'm back in Chicago after three weeks with my parents in LA.
    Crossing fingers that he will get better each day.

    Thanks for some great pictures! xo

  2. Just awesome!! Thanks for sharing. Love taking pics of sun rises and sun sets!!


Your comment is inspiring to me! Thank you!