Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Walk in My Garden

I took time to walk in my gardens yesterday evening with my camera.   So come with me......

Climatus right outside my door

......another flower on same Climatus waiting to be planted...

.......and more.......

Newest area of my shade garden....lots of hostas

Miniature rose in a sunny area of one shade garden

Do you see my cat?  He blends into that log so well.  He had to be with me everywhere.

Lamium is over running this little hosta and tiny coral bells

Cardinal flowers tower over hostas

A new little niche between logs

a view from the opposite end of my new hosta bed

A blue bell flower down the path in my older shade garden

Closer view......just loaded with flowers!

Same color climatus near the shade garden with bell flower in background

Wm. Baffin rose near one of our sheds.....near shade garden but in the sun

A rose that belonged to my Gr. Grandmother.  This rose has been here almost 100 years.

Sun garden last remaining dark purple iris

A lone blue iris

A hen and many chicks in the rock wall

I finally got a photo of this bee.  He was so busy gathering nectar.

Bennie in the flowers again.....he's sitting in a tile that I usually plant with flowers. 
Maybe I should leave it empty?  He loves to sit there to watch birds. He thinks he's hiding!

I hope you enjoyed the mini garden walk.  I'll show you more as the season progresses.

Hopefully, I'll have something stamped to show you next visit! 
Thanks for visiting!

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