Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Little "Rain or Shine"

I fell in love with these little girls from Penny Black the moment I saw them! They're vintage in such a cute way. The stamp is called "rain or shine".
I chose watercolors because I wanted a soft pastel look. By luck, I colored them first and then found the argyle paper that's the perfect colors.  It's from My Mind's Eye Quite Contrary Little Miss Muffet "That's My Girl" collection.
My little girls are cut out with Spellbinders Labels Eight S5-019.  I cut a narrow border mat in white using a technique I learned from Becca Feeken's tutorial.  You can see it here.   Working on a cutting mat, she uses a craft knife to cut around the same Spellbinders die as was used to cut the image.  By cutting around the outside edge, the mat is just 1/8" larger.  It's  a lot more even than cutting by hand.

{--------- I cut the eyelet lace piece with Spellbinders Eyelet S4-214 Borderabilities.  I cut and embossed one edge.  Then I taped the die in place to cut and emboss the other edge.  I left about 1/4" space between them.

{--------- Here' s the result.  
When I laid it on my card front, only one eyelet flower showed at one edge or the other.  I decided I wanted to see a flower on each side of the little girls. 
{---------So....I cut the eyelet piece.  No one will ever see the gap......only you know!

I added a satin ribbon over the eyelet.  There's a piece of pearl cotton over that.  I added a button with pearl cotton threaded through the holes, leaving the tails sticking out from behind.  I used a craft Glue Dot to hold the button in's a really strong adhesive dot.

{--------- Here's a little closer look at these cute little girls! They were so much fun to color! Rain or Shine, they're happy!

I hope you enjoyed your visit!

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