Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spellbinders Retreat I come!

I'm flying to Phoenix today for the Spellbinders Retreat.......3 days of intense training for the Design Team.
We've been promised lots of fun, too!  I'm so excited and a little nervous!  I don't think it will feel real until I get to Phoenix and meet everyone!
My assignment for the trip is to write a jingle about the retreat or Spellbinders!  Any ideas or suggestions? Leave me a comment!  I'll have my laptop along.  I have one that I'll work on on my drive and at the airport.  I plan to sleep on the plane! Way too many late nights lately.
I hope to find time to post while I'm there.  I think we have a pretty full schedule every day so no promises.
I ran out of time to get anything posted ahead for the days I'm gone......
Thanks to all of you out there who follow my creative journey!  Thanks for cheering me on! 
Have a great day!


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