Thursday, October 8, 2009

An Anniversary Card's been awhile.....

A few other priorities took up my stamping time this week.....
The Vikings on Monday night! WTG Vikes!
The Twins on Tuesday afternoon and evening! Super win!
......and the Twins again on Wednesday.....not a good day.

So consequently my stamping time was a bit scarce.

I also had camera issues.....the lens wouldn't extend when I turned it on. I was so bummed! How could I post photos...??? I got it to work later.....yeah! I hope it keeps working. I'm afraid the tiny electric motor is going out.....

So.....I'm sharing a card I made for my Mom & Dad.

They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last week.
Definitely an occasion to celebrate!!!

We had a small casual gathering of a few relatives and friends to honor the occasion. I enjoyed visiting with aunts and uncles that I rarely see anymore.

Mom and Dad sure enjoyed it!

* * * * *

If you'd like any card details, leave a comment or email me.....

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