Thursday, September 10, 2009

Box Car Day

Here are a few photos from our local Labor Day celebration called Box Car Days. These first photos are from the Fly In breakfast held at the airport.

On this anniversary of 9-11, let us be reminded of what our flag stands for, all the freedoms we enjoy. It's a sad day of remembrance of the terrorist attacks 8 years that day stands out in my memory. Please honor those who lost their lives in some way today.

......2 of 4 planes ready to take off......

......all 4 planes in formation.............

The big parade.........

......the high school marching band.....

........DH driving his tractor pulling a float for our church..... favorite - the bagpipes.....

..........and there must be clowns......

.......a fun group of college drummers...... of many fire trucks.......

........some friends and their antique tractor......
It was a beautiful day and a fun family weekend!
Stop by later for a card created by my sister........
Happy Patriot Day!

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