Monday, February 23, 2009

A Scrapbook Page!

Tonight I'm posting a scrapbook page. A scrapbook page????
All my friends know I don't scrapbook!
Well, one of the requirements for the Spellbinders Design Team application was a 12 x 12 layout. So........I created a page. Once I got started, I enjoyed it!

I chose a favorite photo.......
my little princess......which made it so much easier.
I'm really happy with how it turned out. I may even try a few more pages. Maybe a page or two for each grandchild......good idea. I have a feeling that's all it will be for awhile.
Yesterday, I submitted my final card design for the Spellbinders contest. Now, I wait. Wednesday, Stacy, co-owner of Spellbinders, will call the new Design Team members. Do you think I'll be nervous that day?!!! I'll probably jump every time the phone rings at work. I know for sure I'll have a lot of nervous energy! I promise to keep you posted whatever the outcome.
Keep stamping.....or even make a scrapbook page!


  1. Judy. Its so pretty you should do pages more often.Good Luck on Wed. I really hope you make.I would be feeling the same way jumping every time the phone rang that and pacing the floor!!
    Hugs Lynn

  2. Judy, you LO is Beautiful!! I know I am not a true scrapbooker at heart but I will admit once I get going on them I feel the same way, they are kind of fun. Just think of it as a huge card-LOL! At least that's what all of my scrapbooking friends tell me. Best of Luck to you tomorrow!! Your work is amazing & I hope you get the call!

  3. It's hard to believe that you don't
    scrapbook; this page is beautiful!!


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